

VMware Remote Consoleとブラウザ

VMware Remote Console 2.0(多分)
Bamboo lath by mogumagu: VMwareアーカイブ
Firefox 3.6でVMware Remote Clientが動作しない件 - blog::dameningen

Internet Explorer 7


Cannot access virtual machine console.
The VMware Remote Console plug-in failed to connect to your virtual machine "XXX".
Your browser is running in 'Protected Mode'. In order for the VMware Remote Console Plug-in to work correctly, you should add this server to the list of trusted sites.
If this problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Firefox 3.6.x

Firefox 3.5.xだと動いたので、やっぱ対応してないらいい。

Cannot access virtual machine console. The request timed out.
The attempt to acquire a valid session ticket for "XXX" took longer than expected. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator.

別のマシンからVMware Remote Consoleでアクセス

Firefox 3.5.xを入れてる別のマシンからVMware Remote Consoleでアクセスしようと思ったら、ファイアウォールに引っかかったので「8333」と「902」を許可したら動いた。
Firefox3.6にしたらVMWareServer2.0.1のRemoteConsoleが開かないので - seraphyの日記